
Going back home

For the next 12 hours I will be "living" in the JFK airport. I'm kind of liking it.
Got a notebook and my mind is full of ideas, dreams and plans. I hope to write a lot tonight.
This trip came in the most odd moment, and it turned out to be the best. I spent 15 days with the people I love the most in the world.
I went to Selah Sue and Peter Hook's  concert, which were great and the second one a personal life achievement.
I've got a brand new turntable and some great vinyls for my collection. (Disintegraton, oh my god!)
I've ate like crazy, played the silly and funny tourist, sung and danced on the street, laughed.
Yesterday I went to the St. Patrick's cathedral, cried a little and had a long talk with him.
I think everything is gonna be OK.