
What did I learn on the show last night, Craig?

No one lives forever
This business here I've got to finish 

Since Craig said he was quitting the LLS all the guests, or at least the ones who appears once a year in the show, said goodbye like the man was retiring or worst, dying.
So last night he said best than any other time he's not giving up on anything, he's moving on.
That's a very difficult thing for the most of us to do, to me especially. I don't know if it's a cultural behavior or just our survival mode screaming, but to "close a door", to end up something always reminds us of death.
But quitting, finishing or ending can be the exactly opposite of death.
Maybe people like Craig can do it with a little bit of more courage and faith than the rest because he once had to quit something infinitely harder: drinking. It took a huge amount of time, pain and nearly everything he had back then, as well described in his biography (which I love!) but he did it. And I believe that beating all that pain and shame can give someone a different perspective of life. A real sense that you're not gonna be here forever so you gotta live right now. 
Anyone can and will tell you that many many times in your life: family, friends, teachers, therapists, partners, bosses, TV shows and movies but only in experience we can finally understand it.
To grow up and to live has much more to do with moving than standing at the same place.
So move your fucking butt right now!

I wish you all the best, Mr. Ferguson!