
Top 5 on a Friday

No new Top 5 until now... so I'm gonna do an old one from before I've started following The Music Memoir 

Top 5 songs about stormy weather

Pio Lobato - Andando no chuvisco (walking on the thin and moist rain)
U2 - Electrical storm (tempestuous love)

Moby - Raining again (raining in my soul)
Shout Out Loud - Hard rain (once I've had a good video idea for this one)
Garbage - Only happy when it rains (raining in my soul - with dark humor)

*** Update ***

Top 5 songs to listen to while sipping your favorite drink

The Drink: Sakeroska de Morango (sakê + strawberries + sugar) - which I must be drinking with my friends, of course, and our playlist is very wide... but here's some options inspired by the last night out

1. Morrissey - Suedehead (this one should be mandatory actually)
2. Phoenix - Lisztomania
3. The Beatles - Dizzy Miss Lizzy
3. AC/DC - You shook me all night long
5. Guns n' Roses - Paradise city