
Biscoito da sorte de hoje

"A generosidade e a perfeição devem ser suas metas contínuas"


Breakfast at Tiffany's

I love the original couple from the 1961's version, but I must confess I don't think that story was properly told. 7,8 on IMDb doesn't match the reality, even with the great Audrey Hepburn leading the cast.

I was watching the movie again last week and it occurred to me: since Hollywood is so into doing new versions of iconic movies (and sometimes the original was barely released, like the amazing Let the right on in), redoing Breakfast would be a great chance to explore better so many things about the characters... 

I would definitely keep the story on the late 50's, the stylish wardrobe and I think Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway could do a great job reviving those two characters.

I know, another movie with them, together? 

I say yes, because if there's one thing from the original that should be kept and these two can easily bring back is charm and empathy in a very classical Hollywood way. 

No sex scenes, no nudity, of course. All that skin in Love and other drugs was enough for an era. Oh, and I think Hathaway would be fantastic singing "Moon River". 



I'm trying Blogger's app for Android

Best tumblr ever!

Great photos and a Harry Potter fan :)


15 de novembro

"Ora, além de ter surgido em uma sociedade profundamente desigual e hierarquizada, a República brasileira foi proclamada em um momento de intensa especulação financeira, causada pelas grandes emissões de dinheiro feitas pelo governo para atender às necessidades geradas pela abolição da escravidão. A febre especulativa atingiu de modo especial a capital do país, centro dos acontecimentos que levaram à República. Em vez da agitação do Terceiro Estado, a República brasileira nasceu no meio da agitação dos especuladores, agitação que ela só fez aumentar pela continuação da política emissionista. O espírito de especulação, de enriquecimento pessoal a todo custo, denunciado amplamente pela imprensa, na tribuna, nos romances, dava ao novo regime uma marca incompatível com a virtude republicana. Em tais circunstâncias, não se podia nem mesmo falar na definição utilitarista do interesse público como a soma dos interesses individuais. Simplesmente não havia preocupação com o público. Predominava a mentalidade predatória, o espírito do capitalismo sem a ética protestante."

Carvalho, José Murilo de. A formação das almas: o imaginário republicano no Brasil. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1990. P. 29 - 30. 


Eu queria poder alegrar alguém hoje. Só isso, melhorar o humor de alguém.

As always...

Ontem chegaram mais 4, nesse fim de semana vou começar a fazer o levantamento dos livros do próximo capítulo da tese.. fora os que vem pela Amazon.
Muita, muita, muita coisa pra ler!
Se dependesse só da vontade, mas o problema é tempo!
O fim do ano letivo há de me libertar!


The Cure

I like to spend sometime away from The Cure, so when I come back to them every song sounds almost as incredible as the first time. They are already in my DNA
There was a time when Bloodflowers was my favorite album. Then it was Wish and now it's Disintegration
And this track in particular I could play in repeat all day long...


Hell yeah!

This year is not over yet. So let's start with tonight.


Stop the early Christmas fever!

I hope it doesn't happen where you live, but my neighborhood has decided it's already Christmas. Lights and trees are starting to pop everywhere!
Please, people, hold your fire! The year can't be over yet! I have too many things to finish before December 24th so don't bring the holidays humor right now.




Top 5 on Friday

"Thankful" is a strong word. I'm having some happy surprises and trying "new" bands along this year but I can say I'm particularly happy about discovering The Afghan Whigs. I admit I didn't really know about them until recently. 
I even resisted them for a while because I've been a die-hard fan of Greg Dulli and The Twilight Singers for a couple of years and this AW reunion came right after my favorite TS album, which tour I will never see... 
I know everything is backwards here (isn't it always?) but c'est la vie

So I tried it, I liked it and these are the AW's songs I'm happy to have discovered this year:

(can someone explain why they're not playing this fantastic song on this tour?)
(oh, and by far, the best video of them)



