
Big Eyes (2014)

Wow, I loved Big Eyes! So touching and well done.
I'm so glad Tim Burton came back to a film where you can relate with the characters like Big fish. And finally without Johnny Depp! Please don't get me wrong, I love Johnny, but they needed this breakup. (Even you know that)
Waltz and Adams are excellent. Maybe the characters are not strong or powerful enough for an Oscar, but that doesn't make them any less good. I wonder if Waltz could do a shy depressed character as he can do a crazy charismatic one...
I confess I have never heard of Walter and Margaret Keane before and I feel quite ignorant. I've spent the rest of the night on Google and her paintings are great. Hope I can get one someday.


My life without me (2003)

Lee: Hey.
Ann: Hi.
Lee: My body hurt thinking you weren't gonna come.
Ann: I wasn't gonna come.
Lee: Well, I'm glad you did.