
Por um 27 de março mais simbólico

Saindo da controvérsia gerada pela escolha do Wagner Moura pra cantar nesse show em tributo à Legião, uma coisa parece evidente: a morte do Renato deixou uma saudade ainda sem remédio, que pede pra ser extravasada.
Bem depois de dez anos da morte dele e do fim da banda, finalmente surgem tributos e filmes serão lançados, mas vai além disso.. falta espaço na rádio e falta um espaço pra memória coletiva dele e da banda. Algo que independa de emissoras, de gravadoras, de eventos formais ou mesmo da participação ativa do Dado e do Bonfá. Falta um ponto de referência, um lugar e um ritual, de preferência espontâneo, coletivo e gratuito (em amplo sentido) por parte dos fãs.
Os fãs do Jim Morrison, do Ian Curtis ou do John Lennon possuem esses pontos de referência, espaços físicos para a memória: sabem onde ir, possuem datas, se encontram, se conhecem, congregam, cantam, celebram um legado... falta algo equivalente pra Legião e pro Renato. Sem apropriações xiitas. Algo democrático, por favor.

São idéias. E vai dar 4 da manhã. Time to go.


Descartes Highlands

Descartes Highlands, the new Paul Thomas Saunders EP, was released in April but I decided to wait until a moment I could give full attention to it appear. So it happened this week and it's another great record! As the last time, one song in particular got me at the first 2 seconds... this guy is good!

I was hoping to buy the actual CD but the other 2 The Twilight Singers' I bought 2 months ago on Amazon still didn't get here. I don't know who's to blame but is known the polices for imports are getting worse so I will buy just the digital version 

Anyway, if you are passing through here I hope you can give a try and like it. This will definitely be on this week's playlist, and is a very special week indeed
Have a unbelievable great Sunday!


I'm so late reblogging this but I don't care

I only saw it today and I liked it :)

From here


Who's up for some free music?

Here on the sidebar you will find the banner for The Afghan Whigs brand new song, released yesterday. And it's for free. 
So don't waste time, download it now!

(And if you're going to any of their concerts this summer, send a kiss to Greg from me, alright?)


Top 5 on Friday

(Don't really know much about the Disco Era but these songs are wedding parties' classics)

1. Dancing queen - Abba

2. I will survive - Gloria Gaynor

3. YMCA - Village People

4. Night Fever - The Bee Gees

5. Good Times - Chic


Good vibrations

The best days in life are the unexpected good ones. You don't make plans, woke up wishing you could stay in bed until noon... and then you meet great people, have the most interesting conversations, eat a huge and delicious burger, even the mail helps and brings that package you've been waiting for days.

Monday was tough but today was just great. 
I just hope these good vibrations keep coming and floating through the week.


Hey Monday, how are you?

Some days... well some days should be spent in bed, definitely.


Top 5 on Friday

(No rank here, just 5 great guys who should have lived longer... RIP)

Ian Curtis

John Lennon

Renato Russo

Marcelo Fromer


For Dulli's birthday

I love this man. Like wine, he just keeps getting better and better...
I'll have a nice glass of red for you tonight, Greg.
Live long and don't put The Twilight Singers on hold for too long, please :)


Short comment

I don't know if this is something it only happens here, probably not: do you also have the impression some people pay (very) expensive tickets to rock concerts they spend the whole time walking around, holding a beer?
I don't get this behavior... and I even like beer but I don't get it.


A piece of paper

Just saw it on Facebook...