
high seas

No maps
No borders
No control 

A dream of paradise. No land ahead.

Leading or lost, you don't know.








I'm feeding on leftovers. Of time, news, love.

I'm so hungry...


Back on those days...

A tape made with the right selection of songs would melt, break or win any heart...

Still got many of them.. plenty of memories.. even though there's no way to listen to them anymore

How do young people do today? A playlist on Spotify?



I feel like I just woke up from a coma
And the first thing I remembered was a face that I don't know anymore...
A face I have not seen in years.. 

I don't know if such a thing as a lucid coma exists, but it's the closer image I can get for what I'm living since the past week
I woke up
Everything before and during the coma exist simultaneously in my mind right now
And I'm trying to find a place for every memory and every feeling that came back to me

And this face

This persisting face
The face the has never been here and now is everywhere I go
This familiar face
This dear face
That once was my home, my mirror, my face

The face that came to me on the most powerful dream 
to wake me up