
Um sonho

Estar em Barcelona no dia 31 de maio para o San Miguel Primavera Sound e, nessa mesma noite, ter a chance de ver os shows do The Afghan Whigs, The XX, Beirut, Franz Ferdnand e Death Cab for Cutie.
Bastava essa noite e voltaria feliz pra rotina do mundo real.


Meu feijão com arroz (my fish n' chips)

You know who they are...

Giving a break form my Lanegan and Dulli overdose (which I'm still gonna write about it) I came back this afternoon to the usual but with a different taste: bootlegs. I got 2 from pearljam.com after buying Backspacer (which I love very much) and put my favorite - Hartford (2008): great setlist, just 27 songs(!) of pure energy, fantastic solos and Eddie.. well let's not make this post too long just to point out how great and lovely he is. He is and if you don't agree I'm sorry for you. Really.

Then I finally remembered to try an old bootleg CD from ZooTv (Stockholm) that's been lost for years under tons of stuff - and it still works! As always I got surprised how U2 was live back in 1992: Bono's voice so clear and strong, reaching high notes with no problem and Edge with so much freedom to play. His solos in Mysterious ways and Bullet the blue sky just blew my mind. So much I came here just to pray for Jimmy Hendrix and all the gods of rock n' roll to help free the Edge again. That man deserves to express all that he can do with a guitar. 

And if is not asking too much, please put those 2 bands back in studio soon. I want new songs. Thanks.


One line (from Saturday)

"Here I have seen the light" (Ode to sad disco)

Thanks, Mark

PS: This was a full and happy weekend. News soon.


Guerra e Paz

"Entre o sonho e o cafezal
entre guerra e paz
entre mártires, ofendidos,
músicos, jangadas, pandorgas,
entre os roceiros mecanizados de Israel,
a memória de Giotto e o aroma primeiro do Brasil
entre o amor e o ofício
eis que a mão decide:
Todos os meninos, ainda os mais desgraçados,
sejam vertiginosamente felizes

como feliz é o retrato
múltiplo verde-róseo em duas gerações
da criança que balança como flor no cosmo
e torna humilde, serviçal e doméstica a mão excedente
em seu poder de encantação." 

 trecho de "A mão", de Carlos Drummond de Andrade (grifo meu)


Hoje tive finalmente o prazer de visitar a exposição da obra "Guerra e Paz", de Cândido Portinari. Dividida entre os estudos para composição e a apreciação dos painéis, a exposição está no Memorial da América Latina até o dia 21 deste mês, e sugiro a todos que tiverem a oportunidade de ir conferi-la. Oportunidade única.

Para aqueles que não puderem, o site do projeto de restauro e exposição disponibiliza a visualização em detalhe da obra, bem como dos estudos, tão interessantes e belos como a produção final. Acesse: www.guerraepaz.org.br 


Este é o meu 300º post neste blog. 


Top 5 on Friday

I'm assuming we're talking about high school because English-born people use "school" to different levels of education, which can be very confusing. 
So the year was 1997 and it was a great year, when electronic and rock produced some amazing songs with the widest sort of combinations from each style. These ones were easy and fast to remember since they were overplayed by all kinds of media back then (radio and MTV I mean) and I ordered them with that in mind


Another band from the 90's is coming back

Here's the video for Garbage's first single in years(!)

I liked the song more than the video, even with Shirley looking beautiful like an Hollywood diva. The general concept remembered me a little of the "Push it" video but not reaching the same level of awesomeness:

I think it was good for them to quit for awhile. In other video from their official You Tube channel they believe to have found the same feeling (or spirit or whatever) from the first two albums. As a fan of those two records I can only hope for some good tracks coming up in May.

(How few are the chances of some sort of "This was your 90's" festival to bring The Afghan Whigs and Garbage to Brasil at the same time? One can only wish for...)


Silly pleasure

To know you're the top listener at last.fm of your 2 favorites songs from your favorite band.

Priceless :)


So The Afghan Whigs are back...

... but I'm still dreaming about The Twilight Singers in this country one of these days. And when I say dreaming I mean literally! Happened last night! =D

Anyway, I wouldn't mind the Whigs in some festival or solo gig here. Not really. Not at all, actually. I wonder if there's any chance...