
Poema bilíngue (português-nheengatu)

"Te mandei um passarinho,
patuá miri pupé,
pintadinho de amarelo,
iporanga ne iaué."

(Extraído do artigo "Tradução e interculturalidade: o passarinho, a gaiola e o cesto", de José Ribamar Bessa Freire.)

Um dia também já falamos nheengatu... estamos ficando cada vez mais pobres.

nota: os trechos em nheengatu não são traduções do português. Leia o artigo de Bessa Freire neste link que vale a pena. 


enxaqueca chegando...


New Zealand's Final Victory - RWC

I have not wait 24 years for that. I'm not from there. I've never even been there. 
So how can I relate? How can I fall in love? How can I understand? 
Maybe I do, maybe I just think I do...  
All I know is that I've got my share of excitement, anxiety and happiness. It was truly great and I'm already sad about not having another game to watch next weekend.
Thanks to All Blacks, now you definitely have a very enthusiastic fan here on the other side of the world, waiting for next year's Four Nations. You were amazing!
And congrats to all people from NZ!

Isn't that lovely? :)

PS.1 All photos from Yahoo NZ
PS.2 More coments about the game later here (in portuguese)


Top 5 on a Friday

No new Top 5 until now... so I'm gonna do an old one from before I've started following The Music Memoir 

Top 5 songs about stormy weather

Pio Lobato - Andando no chuvisco (walking on the thin and moist rain)
U2 - Electrical storm (tempestuous love)

Moby - Raining again (raining in my soul)
Shout Out Loud - Hard rain (once I've had a good video idea for this one)
Garbage - Only happy when it rains (raining in my soul - with dark humor)

*** Update ***

Top 5 songs to listen to while sipping your favorite drink

The Drink: Sakeroska de Morango (sakê + strawberries + sugar) - which I must be drinking with my friends, of course, and our playlist is very wide... but here's some options inspired by the last night out

1. Morrissey - Suedehead (this one should be mandatory actually)
2. Phoenix - Lisztomania
3. The Beatles - Dizzy Miss Lizzy
3. AC/DC - You shook me all night long
5. Guns n' Roses - Paradise city


Sopro Primaveril

O frio e a chuva da última semana me fizeram até duvidar de que estávamos realmente na primavera. Mas hoje tive dois bons momentos: além de um inesperado sol no meio da tarde (a previsão ainda era de céu fechado hoje), ganhei um banho de flores dessa árvore enquanto esperava o ônibus. Pena que, mal o sol baixou, o frio voltou.
Venha primavera, venha logo, antes que o verão tome o teu lugar!

Are you getting tired of Facebook too?

Seriously, this constant need for something new on Facebook is one of the top things that infuriates me. I can't handle going back there everyday and have some new stupid application. I'm officially taking some time off there from now on.


Saturday night

It's a cold night, I'm writing a paper and watching rugby (France x Wales VT). I'm waiting the All Blacks game. It's gonna take a while but I have a lot to do until there anyway...

And nothing could complete this scene better than a cup of tea =) 



Top 5 on a Friday

From The Music Memoirs
Top 5 songs you'll never get tired of hearing

Wow I always find this kind of question very difficult to answer cos the chances to be unfair with something or someone are very high. But let's try anyway.

1. Joy Division - Dead souls

2. The Twilight Singers - Teenage wristband

3. Ella Fitzgerald - Night and day

4. The Cure - Pictures of you

5. U2 - I will follow


Weekend's over

Weepu is so cute with the beard like this... 


Top 5 on a Friday

From Music Memoirs 

Top 5 things you love about iPods or iTunes (In memory of Steve Jobs)

This one is tough cos I don't have an iPod or have used iTunes. What can I say about them is this:
1. The first time I heard anything on an iPod was a breakthrough. Everything sound so much better!
2. The man really understood the importance of design.
3. I could found lots of songs not released in Brazil on iTunes. I surely should be using it right now.
4. Once I saw an iPod come out of the washer and, after spending one week at a tupperware of rice, it came back to life!
5.Even not having any of them, I'm aware that my smartphone is only what it is because Apple pushed everything to another level.



Sentimento único - Círio de Nazaré

O Círio está na porta de novo. Uma felicidade melancólica se instala. 
O Círio é um evento feliz dentro de uma relação de contrição e desgaste físico meio extremos. Talvez a melancolia seja só cansaço...
O encontro é breve, todos estão ali por ela. As famílias migram, pessoas estranhas se aproximam, se tocam, se ajudam. Um fim de semana entre irmãos. E depois a realidade se impõe, distancia, silencia o Lírio Mimoso. A saudade volta e começa um novo esperar até o próximo ano.
É, é melancólico sim. E lindo.