
I need a break

From work, from my thesis, from the city I live, from my students, from the TV shows I've been watching, from eating pasta and cookies as I didn't care for my hips, from drinking Coke zero, from instagram...

I'm tired. No, I'm exhausted!


from postsecret.com

Me too....


The mind is a funny thing...

Today I woke up with this song in my mind. It's not only my favorite MJ song but also the one that has marked the most my childhood. I think my mother had it on tape.
Maybe it's because Mother's Day it's this next Sunday, who knows?
So for all the good flashes from the past, here we go.

Oh and one bonus: it's almost Friday.


pre-birthday thoughts on a Sunday night (part 1)

Since I'm incapable of boss my pets and my students, it's best to never have children.

(And I think my new cat is the worst ADD case ever. The second one it's me)