
Still don't get it

Why can't I buy a digital record at Amazon.com?
Why is it available only for U.S. customers?
Why am I allow to import a CD but not to get the digital format of the same record?
Why should I submit myself to the itunes monopoly?

For almost a year I've been trying to buy the last The Twilight Singers record, live in New York, but I'm still not able to do so.
I don't like Apple. I'm sorry, I don't criticize the ones who love it but it's not my case. I want another option.
I just want to manifest my indignation on try to do the right thing and being constantly denied to.


The thing about opportunities

The price for a plane ticket to U.S. is pretty reasonable out of season. Too bad I cannot leave work right now. 
What is the thing people say about opportunities? You gotta make them? You gotta take them?
Well, this one I will have to pass...


Thank you, unknown person

I tend to like people in general, but things become easier when I discover:
1. they have born the same year I did
2. they support the same soccer teams I do
3. they give the same importance to a band or a specific song I deeply love. 

So today I've found a blog where this guy thinks Leave is the best REM song in the best REM LP. And that's something I think since 1996 but until this day I had only met 2 people who can name New adventures in hi-fi as a great album and only 1 of them thinks Leave is a great song.

So I just wanna say: Dude you're 100% right! And thank you. We could be friends.


a few thoughts

1. Teaching at nights can suck life out of you.

2. I still don't feel like listening Lana Del Ray Rey. Somehow I've been managing to pass through without listen to one single of her songs. Nobody on my everyday life seems to know who she is either. 

3. Don't understand Tumblr very well. Not soo interactive as I thought, still funnier than Facebook. I know, they are different things blah blah blah... Facebook sucks. Or maybe people on FB suck, haven't decided yet.

4. Can't stop listening "Lovecrimes". I gotta make a Top 5 "favorite cover versions" or "covers better than originals"... it will be #2, definitely.


Finally a great new TV show to fall in love with

The first season is almost over out there, it just started here and I'm already worried about how am I gonna wait a whole year before season 2...
I can't even tell which character I love the most.. it changes every week.
Maybe Will. 
People love to say they like the most unlikable character or the one nobody cares but I usually stick with the hero. No shame.
All the others characters (and actors) are great though.

More as my passion develops.


Where I wanted to be on my birthday

For the love of God, Dulli, come to Brasil already!!!
You too, Rosser! Fuck, I'm dying for the chance...


Sunday's dessert

Maybe I could start a new segment on this blog about food.. hummmm


Good news

(photo by Helena Christensen) 

There's a new Paul Banks album coming... well we will have to wait until October 23 but it's nice to know anyway
Meanwhile I need to find something different to put on my phone. Cannot hear the same songs anymore!

You can try the first single The Base here


Missing the Olympic Games already

Working mornings at home were much more fun last week. 



*Today is Father's Day in Brasil
** From Post Secret dot com



Doing nothing aaaall day... sounds good!


O curioso destino de uma aliança de casamento

No dia 12 de junho, dia dos namorados, eu almoçava com meu irmão e uma amiga em um shopping na Avenida Paulista, quando algo inusitado aconteceu.
Nossa amiga sentiu algo tocar muito levemente a ponta de seu sapato. Abaixou-se, e quando levantou tinha nas mãos uma aliança. Sim, uma aliança de casamento, bem larga diga-se de passagem, daquela que não deixam dúvidas que o homem é casado. Dentro dela havia um nome grafado: Samara.
Ficamos surpresos e um pouco confusos com a situação. Não havia casais ao redor, o espaço todo já estava bem vazio, pois passava das três da tarde de uma terça-feira. Em uma mesa um pouco distante à esquerda, um senhor almoçava sozinho e perguntamos se por acaso aquela era sua aliança. Ele sorriu, como se estivéssemos brincando, e respondeu que não. 
Sem alternativas, entregamos a aliança para um segurança.

Confesso que até agora a situação toda ainda me impressiona pela força simbólica da cena: uma aliança de casamento rolando perdida em meio a uma praça de alimentação, em pleno dia dos namorados. 
E fico imaginando diversas possibilidades que poderiam te-la levado a ter tal destino.