

"I know tomorrow brings the consequence at hand
But I keep living this day like the next will never come..."

Fiona my dear, you still know it all!


Top 5 on Friday

1. Radio stations are still very helpful - after years depending strictly on my own choice and command I've found again the pleasures of listen to the radio. I actually turn off my playlist every once and a while to get the news, old songs, new stuff, or just to miss what I like a little bit =)

2. "Have this CD player been here this whole time?" - This sentence is not really my case but I know people who totally forgot they have other piece of equipment besides the i-something. Since I still buy cds and am even considering spend some money I don't have on a vinyl player, you can see I have some backup

3. Youtube - also a good help with the advantage of finding official videos, old and live material of great bands. The problem is to keep stimulating people to take their cameras to concerts and filming the whole thing, a very unpleasant and frequent experience these days.. 

4. Singing out loud - so you don't have any source of energy to plug any kind of device? Just sing! Are you in public? Start really quiet and try the tunes everybody knows. Maybe you will get a smile or someone to follow and make the backing vocals.

5. Any random music channel on TV - to me this is the poorest option but sometimes the only one. Just breath and have fun.


Mirror, mirror

Blog, blog meu
existe quem alguem que poste menos do que eu?


two things one thought

"Mas os homens trabalham sob engano. O que o homem tem de melhor logo se mistura à terra para se transformar em adubo. Por um destino ilusório, geralmente chamado de necessidade, eles se dedicam, como diz um velho livro, a acumular tesouros que serão roídos pelas traças e pela ferrugem e roubados pelos ladrões. É uma vida de tolo, como vão descobrir ao chegarem ao final dela, ou talvez antes." 

(Thoreau, W. D. Walden. Porto Alegre, L&PM, 2011, p. 19)

The big fish eats the little ones
The big fish eats the little ones
Not my problem, give me some

You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
The best you can is good enough

(Radiohead - Optimistic)


Top 5 on Friday

1. House - Just the fact they put "Teardrop" as theme is enough for me.

2. Friends - Today I don't like the show that much anymore, but they had some great songs on the episodes, sometimes too good for the scene / situation. Like when they put Interpol's "Untitled" for a moment between Rachel and Joey (here to watch) What a terrible use for a song...

3. Grey's Anatomy - I've got tired of the show but they have a great selection of music. 

4. X-Files - I can not remember one song played on any episode, but I remember I had some good surprises

5. Scrubs - I also had good surprises on Scrubs episodes. I think Zach Braff always manage to put the things he likes, The Shins and Coldplay for exemple, ever project he's in.


Os olhos de Darín

Cada vez que vejo um filme com o ator Ricardo Darín me apaixono mais por ele, sua classe e sutileza de atuação. O segredo de seus olhos é um banquete de sorrisos e expressões de Darín, presentes em cada detalhe na forma como ele encara a câmera. Mas o me tocou foi o desejo melancólico que aflora toda vez que Benjamin fita Irene (personagens dele e de Soledad Villamil, respectivamente), de partir o coração e de uma beleza ímpar.

George Clooneys e Richard Geres que me perdoem, mas Ricardo Darín é o que há!


Top 5 on Friday

In English

1. U2 - An cat dubh

2. Radiohead - Weird fishes/Arpeggi

3. The Twilight Singers - Blackbird and the fox

4. Pearl Jam - Rats

5. B-52's - Rock Lobster (not my favorite but Peter Griffin's version is pretty good)

Em Português

1. Titãs - Felizes são os peixes

2. Paralamas - O rouxinol e a rosa

3. Madredeus - A andorinha da primavera

4. Rita Lee - Ovelha negra

5. Marisa Monte - Borboleta

(no video available) :(


Sean Penn in "The tree of life"

Love and redemption. I'm pretty sure there's a heaven for the ones who seek both.