
Things from the past

Besides packing my stuff, I've been cleaning the house these last 3 days from the other and higher pile of paper I saved during all these years living (and coming back) here.
So I end up rediscovering some funny and nice things of my personal history:

Lots of pens and floppy discs

The candles from my 25th birthday (the first second I've spent here)

Tickets from concerts, plays and expositions I have seen

And the best, many letters and postcards from family and friends
Now most of these people have kids and don't write me anymore...


Tired of packing

I'm moving back to my hometown... again.
Ten minutes ago I started writing this post saying how I should stop moving, choosing one place and start a life and blah-blah-blah but that's a lie, just something I think I should be feeling because I'm 30 something and all that comes with this age. But I love being in different places and there's at least 3 other cities I expect to live in for a part of my life before setting down (this will come, eventually).
What I really don't like is the trouble of sending around all my stuff, I have way too many books. While I was packing last night I realize I don't remember buying or having some of them. This is a disease, right?

But I can not deny it's hard to be on the bedroom right now. This is still home.


Nice toast

"May those who love us, love us. And those who don't love us - may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles, so we may know them by their limping."

Line from the movie Keeping the Faith

Top 5 on Friday

According to Last.fm, this top 5 should be filled only by Mark Lanegan and The Twilight Singers... but picking up only one song from each artist, it looks like this:




4.(wooooooooooow not even I believe!)

(This horrible video must have been so expensive but it's such a good song for dancing.. and the "Pumped up kicks" video is soooooooooo much better..)



Love and lost

"com a morte, também o amor devia acabar. ato contínuo, o nosso coração devia esvaziar-se de qualquer sentimento que até ali nutrira pela pessoa que deixou de existir. pensamos, existe ainda, está dentro de nós, ilusão que criamos para que se torne todavia mais humilhante a perda e para que nos abata de uma vez por todas com piedade. e não é compreensível que assim aconteça. com a morte, tudo o que respeita a quem morreu devia ser erradicado, para que aos vivos o fardo não se torne desumano. esse é o limite, a desumanidade de se perder quem não se pode perder."

valter hugo mãe. a máquina de fazer espanhóis. p.21


Hey Friday (again)

Nothing much to say, just hope everybody is ok.
I'm still pretty sick, locked at home but getting better.

So it's another Friday I need some inspiration.. then I thought about going with one of my traditional favorites this time. And yeah, it works! :)


Another great week has begun (or not)

This flu is consuming me from inside out!
That's what you get after spending a week traveling, not sleeping, and jumping from 16ºC to 35 ºC and back again. 
I wish I could stay in bed, drinking tea and watching romantic movies.. but here I go.
