

Please be gentle.





Wishing you all a merry merry Christmas!
Feliz Natal a todos!



Lunching with friends: good music, cold beer, nice weather.


Recordação (pra Issa)

Nessas duas últimas semanas, os textos que tenho trabalhado em sala falam sobre o sentido do passado e da memória antes da História ciência (se é que ela ainda é ou quer ser isso).
Mas mesmo depois dela, o fato é que a nossa dor ainda é a mesma: a da finitude da vida. Só na memória dos outros que nos eternizamos. O lembrar vence, ou talvez seja melhor dizer, estica o tempo, relabora o espaço, faz do ontem hoje.
É cruel mas bastante simbólico, poético até, saber da tua morte em meio a essas reflexões. Se fosse pra racionalizar como muitos pedem, não éramos amigas há tempos, e pra alguns talvez nem mesmo tenhamos sido.
E no entanto, estás em tantos lugares da minha memória! Tu e tuas histórias, as contadas e as que ficavam pela metade. A menina do beijo mais longo já narrado (ou inventado), digno de Guinness Book.
Agora enquanto estou deitada no chão, ouvindo o "Throwing copper" e pensando nisso tudo, é como se estivéssemos de volta no teu quarto, com as meninas, conversando, rindo, montando uma banda que infelizmente nunca saiu do papel.
Aquela foto da Scarlet O'Hara na parede, de fato ela te resumia: tão forte, tão frágil...
Já não estavas aqui antes, e também nunca vais deixar de estar.


I'm only happy when it rains

so much happier!


You can be sure that

I always dance to "Dancing with myself", no matter where I am.
And I often play this song at home, to dance while I wash the dishes or just to shake things up and get on a better mood.

No, I'm not 40, not even close.


Cat's hug and Captain Kirk

I love Sundays. That would be a nice name for a cat, Sunday.
Just spent the morning watching the second Star Trek movie. I don't like the original show, I don't follow the JJ guy work (I've even stopped watching Lost before it went wrong) but somehow I like the movies. But  I'm more a Star Wars gal.
And I'm keeping my expectations low about the next episode.


Mr. Right

I'm quite impressed by how I was able to watch 3 seasons of Downton Abbey this past week, in the middle of so much work!
I can only blame Dan Stevens or, better, Dan Stevens as Mr. Matthew Crawley. Jane Austen's Mr. Darcy had no rival as best English male model until now. He's so correct to the point of boredom sometimes, but this is only making more sure about how I want a nice guy.
I don't want to be unfair to the actors who play Tom Branson or Thomas Barrow, but really, God bless the man!



So I moved, going deeper inside Amazon, and still don't have internet access at home. With a bit of luck this problem will be solved by the end of the month... let's hope.
Is everybody ok out there?





Tem momentos na vida em que tudo depende de outras pessoas: que elas sejam corretas, que sejam solidárias, tenham compaixão ou que pelo menos entedam que sua vida depende do tediante ou atarefado trabalho delas.
Daí você lembra das vezes em que estava do outro lado. E se pergunta do quanto de paciência e fé depende essa relação com os outros...



Historian's day

Yes we do have a day (at least here in Brazil).
So I take the opportunity to ask Clio for some inspiration.. I still have a lot to write!


THR - TV drama actors

Packing again, much sooner than I could ever imagine
While doing it I was watching this interview and I loved it. The tone is so different, mixing funny and gloomy, and the actors were very honest talking about their careers, TV shows, how to survive in the industry...
And I love Kevin Bacon and Jeff Daniels. 

Waiting for The Newsroom later...


They are watching

I still have an idea for a video, about a Radiohead song and this city...



Full circle

I'm pretty sure I'll be back here soon...


Next stop...



Jeg vil gerne gå med dig...


espaço x tempo

Então eu estava lá. O que durante toda a vida tinha sido a lembrança de uma foto, uma imagem congelada, existia, e eu estava lá.
Lá onde ele esteve.
Eu quis que a relação de tempo desaparecesse. Que os trinta anos que separavam aquela foto de hoje pudessem ser encurtados. Que o passado e o hoje se tocassem. 
De alguma forma, esse contato aconteceu.
Hoje Portugal não é mais feito só de memórias emprestadas, mas também das minhas.


Afternoon in Berlin

Best summer vacation ever!


Sooo true...

PHD Comics explains my life so easily...


Strawberry fields forever

The simple pleasures of life....


From last night

It's good and it's free, so you can download it if you like...



#vemprarua #itsnotabout20cents #acordabrasil 

A song about last week

They'll cast us out
Down the mountainside
When they see that
We were right all the time

They'll hang us in the wood at night
When they see that
We are on the winning side

So we'll hide out in here
Before they take the rest of us outside

They'll burn down cities
And tear the trees up
In one last demonstration
Of their powers

And they'll swell up
Till their heads explode
And that's when we come out
And take back what is ours

We don't need to be silent anymore
And they can't take us outside

A cornered dog is a dangerous dog
And you don't need to listen anymore
To its barking

Just take it outside
And put the rabies-spitting beast down

Veto - Take it outside

I wish I could pick up just one quote from this song, but I couldn't. It's perfect, it matches exactly how we feel, how I feel right now about everything that's going on in São Paulo, Rio and spreading to the whole country.
We need a lot of things but first of all freedom and respect, so we will be able to debate and change. We have the right to disagree, to doubt and to express our frustration. 
We are right. And we know it. 

Please support the protests in Brasil by using tags like the ones below on Twitter or Facebook.

#acordaBrasil #protestosBrasil #itsnotabout20cents #dontcometotheworldcup 


Thought of the day

Every day, every hour
just wish that I 
was bullet proof

Radiohead - "Bullet proof.. I wish I was"


Estatuto do nascituro

Eu sei que dentre os visitantes deste blog devem existir cristãos convictos ou pessoas que fazem parte de alguma crença religiosa que rejeita veementemente a questão do aborto. Eu respeito integralmente a opção de vocês em nunca, jamais, sob qualquer hipótese interromper uma gravidez. Eu não sei se teria coragem de interromper também, especialmente porque tenho um profundo desejo em ser mãe.

Mas respeito e entendo que o que vale pra mim não vale para todos. Acredito também (e essa é a parte efetivamente em questão aqui) que quando o Estado resolve rever seu campo de atuação e legislar sobre a matéria, é fundamental que o texto da lei seja condizente com seus limites materiais e institucionais de atuação. Por isso, em um movimento raro, vou expor opiniões pessoais em relação ao Estatuto do Nascituro.

Se você não gosta do assunto ou não aceita ponderação nesse tema, por favor, IGNORE ESSE POST AGORA. O exposto aqui não levará em consideração qualquer argumentação religiosa. Para mim o que está em questão agora são os limites do Estado brasileiro em sua capacidade de intervir na garantia de direitos de proteção à pessoa. Você pode deixar de vir aqui se achar que seja o caso.

Isso posto, gostaria de pedir que você lesse o texto do estatuto disponível neste link:

Acredito caber uma série de críticas ao texto desse estatuto, uma vez que
1. o sistema de saúde brasileiro não dá conta de atendimento e garantia aos já nascidos hoje;
2. a polícia civil não dá conta da investigação de crimes contra pessoa 
aos já nascidos hoje;
3. a seguridade social já pede que as pessoas se aposentem mais tarde pois o Estado não garante a gestão de recursos e poupança para a manutenção dos IDOSOS, então é pouco provável que, em se caracterizando a concepção por estupro (o que seria difícil pois não há como levar a investigação de todos os casos até o fim), o Estado efetivamente custeie essa criança até os 18 anos de idade

Pulando todas as questões referentes a integridade física e mental de mulheres que estariam proibidas por lei de interromper a gravidez em qualquer circunstância, mesmo que isso colocasse suas próprias vidas em risco, o artigo 28 prevê que

Fazer publicamente apologia do aborto ou de quem o praticou, ou incitar publicamente a sua prática: Pena – Detenção de 6 (seis) meses a 1 (um) ano e multa

As pessoas não vão ter mais liberdade de expressão! Isso é uma agressão séria aos nossos direitos civis. Qualquer manifestação ou debate sobre a matéria poderia ser facilmente considerado "apologia" e passível de punição como crime!

Além disso, a justificativa do texto do estatuto tem como respaldo uma lei federal promulgada nos Estados Unidos, durante a administração Bush, e que garante a proteção à gestante e ao nascituro. Só lá é uma lei que visa proteger a gestação desejada, ao invés de penalizar a interrompida! Ela inclusive não se aplica a casos de aborto por decisão médica ou da mulher. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unborn_Victims_of_Violence_Act)

Não pretendo resolver a questão do aborto aqui, nem acho que seja um assunto passível de definição a curto prazo, mas esse projeto prevê um suporte do Estado brasileiro a todo e qualquer indivíduo, nascido ou não, que nós sabemos que não é viável, além de censurar, criminalizar e punir qualquer um que se manifeste de maneira contrária.

Já existe um abaixo assinado contra esse estatuto aqui

Seja você favorável ou não à revisão da questão do aborto no Brasil, acredito que a solução não pode passar pela criminalização da liberdade expressão de nenhum dos lados! Mesmo que você não assine essa petição, cobre de seu partido ou representante um posicionamento sobre essa matéria, que está agora sob análise da Comissão de Constituição e Justiça e de Cidadania.


Life, as always...

Why, God, why things always happen when you just decided to try something else?
It's too much for my poor sense of reality!
I'm not complaining, I'm very happy. I just... fear, I guess.
I'm not gonna think anymore. I'll jump.

Here I go.


Most definitely



Everyone else is gone but I'm still here
Everyone else is gone but we still feel



Please May, don't go yet. We are having so much fun...



and I'm not in love.
Even though, it's Friday.
That's good enough for now.

Wanna dance?

PS: I still remember a time when there was no internet, so no youtube too, and I had to cross my fingers and hope for MTV to play this video.. 
Life is funny.


The man, this blog and me

We are all connected by this song. 
Curtis died 33 years ago.
Rest in peace,  Ian


New sounds

Mark is everywhere! God bless him!

I was missing The National in my life...

I don't know Primal Scream that much, but I like everything I hear from them. Maybe it's time to go deeper... 


Birthday Boy #3

Greg Dulli

Just 3 of many reasons why May is the best month of the year... 


Birthday Boy #2



Birthday Boy #1

Dave Gahan


Top 5 - Great films that leave you in deep depression

Requiem for a dream (2000)

The drug-induced utopias of four Coney Island individuals are shattered when their addictions become stronger.

Incendies (2010)

Twins journey to the Middle East to discover their family history, and fulfill their mother's last wishes.

Irreversible (2002)

A simultaneously beautiful and terrible examination of the destructive nature of cause and effect, and how time destroys everything.

Sherrybaby (2006)

Sherry Swanson discovers that coming back to the world she left behind is far more difficult than she had planned.

Melancholia (2011)

On the night of her wedding, Justine is struggling to be happy even though it should be the happiest day of her life.

(All descriptions are from IMDb, some with adaptations. See more in each title's link ) 


Record Store Day single

I have never listened to Screaming Females but I will definitely give a try now...
To make a cover of a such well known and loved song is a hard task, but I think they were extremely successful on this one.


Another lost weekend thanks to my periodic migraine. 
Here we go, Monday.



Just making my mom and Jamie Oliver really really proud :)


like Ted Mosby...

I hope I'm just 45 days away from meeting the most amazing person of my life.

(maybe 90 days)


oh my god oh my god oh my god!

I'm not reading any material, watching any interview about this film, but I'm dying to know if and when it will open at the movies here!


About death, love, broken hearts, failing marriages, etc.

Disseste que se tua voz tivesse força igual
a imensa dor que sentes
teu grito acordaria não só a tua casa
mas a vizinhança inteira
("Há tempos" - Legião Urbana)

Last week was everything but fun, not at all what I was planning for my annual St. Patrick's week.

I've started reading Love is a mix tape at the beginning of February and I was going quite fast until the death part. Then I had to stop for a while. All that mourning talk was making me feel bad. I still don't know why I decided that last week would be the moment to finish this book... What a horrible decision! It totally ruined my humor. Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful book, full of love and the honesty of a open broken heart. That's what put me down.

It was a mix of everything: my crazy fear of dying, my own experiences of loss and the fact my mom was a young widow too. Not so young as Rob was and not dealing with it the same way (she managed to keep very focus on the family actually) but all that put together, plus all the talk about music as a place for memories have let me melancholic. It's a good book, really. It ends in a very positive way to be fair, and I'm very  surprised it has not become a film so far. It has all the potential to be a great indie movie.

Searching for a different kind of story and vibe I rented End of watch but it didn't help much. The actors did an excellent job (and I wish America Ferrera had more scenes, I do like her so much!) but in terms of reality about police action and drug cartels I still think Tropa de Elite goes far beyond the obvious, looking for the real problem. (EoW script still allows Americans to believe in the easier answer that this is an immigration's issue). 

Somehow by the end of the movie I started thinking Jake could play Rob Sheffield at cinema. He couldn't be less Irish, I know, but he's at the right age and in all the interviews for this movie he looks so sad and disconnected from the real world that I believe he's ready to play a young widow trying to find he's away back to life through music. But it has to be now, while his on the mood. In the next 5 minutes, the guy will fall in love and marry someone like Scarlet Johansson or Rachel McAdams (I don't know, are they still single?) and then it would be just pure sadism to ask him to go back being a sad lonely bastard again. (He's still too good looking, too L.A, I know. Let's find someone else..)

So Saturday came and I thought all my sadness would go away, but not only the party I went sucked as I had to face the bizarre hurtful truth of a friend's marriage breaking apart in front of me. I don't know what to do, not even if I should do something, since we've been friends for a very short time and nobody have asked for my help. Even so I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole Sunday and I've got myself praying for them yesterday. 

Feeling like I'm carrying all the misery of the world, I ran my ass off at the gym but it didn't help either. I just wish I could cry my way out of all this already but I can't. It has nothing to do with me but I'm mourning too.


Feeling Irish?

I'm going out, kids. Please, behave!



Música, sushi e uma certeza:
as almas não reconhecem fronteiras.


It took me too long to listen to this song...

We're way too young to let things slide
and we're way too old to try

"Euphoria" - Spleen United


St. Patrick's week

So I decided to change the mood a little bit here. 
The St. Patrick's week is officially opened. Yeah, it's a 9 days' week.
I'm all about green t-shirts and making plans for next weekend.
St. Patrick's Day is gonna be awesome this year!


New love

There's such an easygoing and caring nature in this cat, it's absolutely lovely.


The importance of learning by mistakes

I'm really impressed by the fact that some students I have, college students I must say, don't want to face the possibility of failure, writing papers or projects. I don't know what makes them so afraid of critique. Every proposal of research or bibliographical analysis turns into a huge monster, and people put a lot of problems before even starting the task. 
It takes a lot to go beyond the obvious, to express your opinion and to produce results, to make your contribution to Science. 
Yes, your work will not always be successful. You may go the wrong way during the writing process and will have to start over, but that's how you learn. I'm passing through the same thing and I've been here at least other 2 times before. Still doesn't mean I can get it easily. It will always demand (more and more) work!
However, as hard and unsure as it looks to face the problem and the obligation of passing through it, that's how you reach the autonomy of your own learning process.
Be brave and go for it!


Still on Valentine's mood?

Every time I hear one of these DM's songs I wonder how many kids have been conceived thanks to them...
I've absolutely loved this song. It's perfect. It's not a song, it's an ode to love, lust and life. (no, let's be honest: no song will ever be a better ode to love, lust and life than "I feel you").
I definitely curious about this album.

Repeat ad infinitum.




VETO + a pile of books + rain + food = a perfect Carnaval 
And maybe a chapter for my thesis. Fingers crossed.


Musical Identity

"I get sentimental over the music of the 90's. Deplorable, really. But I love it all. As far as I'm concerned, the 90's was the best era for music ever, even the stuff that I loathed at the time, even the stuff that gave me stomach cramps. Every note from those years is charged with life for me now."

Rob Sheffield. Love is a mix tape. p.7

I totally feel like that about the 90's music. Too bad he didn't like PJ back then... 


It's not working

The more I read about diet, the more I eat chocolate.
Something inside me is fighting the truth.


Une chanson pour cet samedi

Maintenant je ne comprend rien en français. J'ai oublié tout. C'est très triste.
Je vais retourner a la classe. 


A dream about Brad Pitt

Today I dreamed I was lost in Munich. Then this guy came along (and he was played by Brad Pitt, with that Se7en's look) and started to threaten me, demanding a huge amount of money. The rest of the dream was me trying to runaway from him, like an action movie.
I don't know which part of all this sounds more absurd and stupid, once I have never been in Munich (and this part was kind of Inception, because I was able to create and run through a whole city in my dream) and don't have a thing for Pitt since I was 15, besides other many things, but I decided I had to post this somewhere. I wanna remember it in the future. 
My very first and very late Brad Pitt dream. And it wasn't romantic at all...


Happy Birthday, Captain!





An important message


Actually I'm dying to watch this movie! Celine and Jesse are my favorite fictional couple...




"Todos devem deixar algo para trás quando morrem, dizia o meu avô. Um filho, um livro, um quadro, uma casa ou parede construída, um par de sapatos. Algo que sua mão tenha tocado de algum modo, para que sua alma tenha para onde ir quando você morrer. E quando as pessoas olharem para aquela árvore ou aquela flor que você plantou, você estará ali. Não importa o que você faça, dizia ele, desde que você transforme alguma coisa, do jeito que era antes de você toca-la em algo que é como você depois que suas mãos passaram por ela. A diferença entre o homem que apenas apara gramados e um verdadeiro jardineiro está no toque, dizia ele. O aparador de grama podia muito bem não ter estado ali; o jardineiro estará lá durante uma vida inteira".

(Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. São Paulo: Globo, 2009. p. 220 - 221)

Eu comprei esse livro em homenagem ao meu pai. Ele gostava de ficção e acho que teria gostado desse livro. 
Não acredito que o tenha lido, ou já teríamos um exemplar em casa.

E ele me dizia coisas assim.


Michael Fassbender

I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 (which is absolutely great!) and since the beginning I can't stop picturing Michael Fassbender as Montag. 
Seeing him on Hunger was such powerful experience, he was brilliant! I'm saving Shame for a moment I can have the same kind of punch. 
Right now this book is consuming every piece of my mind. 

But if there's anyone out there planning to do another film adaptation of this book, I leave here my suggestion for your consideration

He's already bathing in kerosene! 



Top 5 on Friday - the best of 2012 (part 1)

This is totally personal, I don't pretend to understand about music. It's just a piece of my life last year.


1.(it's the last post for this song, I promise)

2. (for this one too, but it only proves my point)

3. (also a replay)

4. (free download  at Molho Negro)

5. (I know, but I can't help)


Mark Lanegan Band - I had a dream about this concert and decided to go on the last minute. The best decision I've ever made. Something has changed inside me since then.

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Also magical. When he played "Don't look back in anger" it was cathartic. I had never saw so many men holding beers and singing out loud like that. It felt a little bit like London, I guess.  

Lou Donaldson - There's nothing like a great jazz concert for free. And he's pure charisma!

Strobo - Some bands only show how good they really are on stage and this is one of them. They have a good record but live it's something else. Already a fan.

Ian McCulloch - The most "I-do-what-I-want" concert I have ever been. He talked a lot and laughed and asked what songs we wanted to hear and denied most of the asks... it was fun.


Holidays - day 5

Morning of 2013.
What a night! One of the best new year's eve ever, with two of my favorite people in the world.