
There will never be enough days of vacation...



Kitty kitty kitty

I have two cats

I wish I could have at least five.

Actually I live alone with them, so technically I could fill this apartment with cats, but I'm trying to behavior like a normal person until I'm 45. Then fuck it.

They make me laugh, protect me at night and had saved me from depression many times.

Because today it's Cats' day, this is my declaration of eternal love and unconditional devotion to them.



"Não adianta sonhar com o que é feito apenas de fantasia e querer aspirar ao impossível. A felicidade é a aceitação do que se é e se pode ser." 

MÃE, Valter Hugo. O filho de mil homens. São Paulo, Cosac Naify, p. 77



This is so hypnotic

How about you'll be me and I'll be you and we just leave it where we found it?


It keeps blowing

I miss having plans
I miss a sense of future, of something next
I know there's plenty to do but I can not see myself achieving nothing

I tell myself it's because I don't know what I want
But in secret I fear I don't want to be where I am for too long.

It's the best place I've ever been. I love here.
I just wish I could feel like being here forever...