
Song for tonight (and maybe for the whole week)

Did I post this before? Just can't remember...
Some songs are there in our playlists just waiting for the right moment, the right mood, the right night.. and so it came

I don't want to sleep.


One wish

Please God, allow all the movie theaters of the world to be taken by a huge amount of films with this fine specimen of man through the whole year of 2015! Especially if he can be speaking with his natural and wonderful British accent.. please?


Resolutions for 2015

  1. Finish this fucking PHD (for heaven's sake!!!)
  2. Lose weight / eat healthier / exercise a little 
  3. Watch more films (new ones not just the same crap I like over and over. And stop being so coward to watch sad dramas and political stuff just because of the post film depression)
  4. Read more
  5. Complain less