
Une chanson pour cet samedi

Maintenant je ne comprend rien en français. J'ai oublié tout. C'est très triste.
Je vais retourner a la classe. 


A dream about Brad Pitt

Today I dreamed I was lost in Munich. Then this guy came along (and he was played by Brad Pitt, with that Se7en's look) and started to threaten me, demanding a huge amount of money. The rest of the dream was me trying to runaway from him, like an action movie.
I don't know which part of all this sounds more absurd and stupid, once I have never been in Munich (and this part was kind of Inception, because I was able to create and run through a whole city in my dream) and don't have a thing for Pitt since I was 15, besides other many things, but I decided I had to post this somewhere. I wanna remember it in the future. 
My very first and very late Brad Pitt dream. And it wasn't romantic at all...


Happy Birthday, Captain!





An important message


Actually I'm dying to watch this movie! Celine and Jesse are my favorite fictional couple...




"Todos devem deixar algo para trás quando morrem, dizia o meu avô. Um filho, um livro, um quadro, uma casa ou parede construída, um par de sapatos. Algo que sua mão tenha tocado de algum modo, para que sua alma tenha para onde ir quando você morrer. E quando as pessoas olharem para aquela árvore ou aquela flor que você plantou, você estará ali. Não importa o que você faça, dizia ele, desde que você transforme alguma coisa, do jeito que era antes de você toca-la em algo que é como você depois que suas mãos passaram por ela. A diferença entre o homem que apenas apara gramados e um verdadeiro jardineiro está no toque, dizia ele. O aparador de grama podia muito bem não ter estado ali; o jardineiro estará lá durante uma vida inteira".

(Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. São Paulo: Globo, 2009. p. 220 - 221)

Eu comprei esse livro em homenagem ao meu pai. Ele gostava de ficção e acho que teria gostado desse livro. 
Não acredito que o tenha lido, ou já teríamos um exemplar em casa.

E ele me dizia coisas assim.


Michael Fassbender

I'm reading Fahrenheit 451 (which is absolutely great!) and since the beginning I can't stop picturing Michael Fassbender as Montag. 
Seeing him on Hunger was such powerful experience, he was brilliant! I'm saving Shame for a moment I can have the same kind of punch. 
Right now this book is consuming every piece of my mind. 

But if there's anyone out there planning to do another film adaptation of this book, I leave here my suggestion for your consideration

He's already bathing in kerosene! 



Top 5 on Friday - the best of 2012 (part 1)

This is totally personal, I don't pretend to understand about music. It's just a piece of my life last year.


1.(it's the last post for this song, I promise)

2. (for this one too, but it only proves my point)

3. (also a replay)

4. (free download  at Molho Negro)

5. (I know, but I can't help)


Mark Lanegan Band - I had a dream about this concert and decided to go on the last minute. The best decision I've ever made. Something has changed inside me since then.

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Also magical. When he played "Don't look back in anger" it was cathartic. I had never saw so many men holding beers and singing out loud like that. It felt a little bit like London, I guess.  

Lou Donaldson - There's nothing like a great jazz concert for free. And he's pure charisma!

Strobo - Some bands only show how good they really are on stage and this is one of them. They have a good record but live it's something else. Already a fan.

Ian McCulloch - The most "I-do-what-I-want" concert I have ever been. He talked a lot and laughed and asked what songs we wanted to hear and denied most of the asks... it was fun.


Holidays - day 5

Morning of 2013.
What a night! One of the best new year's eve ever, with two of my favorite people in the world.