
Holidays - day 4

2012 last sunset.
I hope you all have a fantastic new year's eve, full of love and hope.
And thank you for the silent companionship along the year.





a Christmas day tradition

I love watching "Joyeux Noël" on Christmas Day. What a beautiful movie! I cry everytime I see it, can't help.
It has a great cast, and an actor I love (not pictured) called Gary Lewis. He's also in "Gangs of New York" and "Billy Elliot". Wish I could see more films with him.


My Charlie Brown Christmas - performed by the cast of Scrubs (again)

This post was first published in 2007, but since it's Christmas Eve and I still like this video, I'm doing my first repost.
Some people celebrate Christmas tonight, some do it at the 25th, and others just don't. 
But no matter the option I hope you all have a fantastic holiday season!
Much love and peace!


Eu sei, tá meio atrasado, mas eu não pude deixar de postar... Snoopy + Scrubs, nisso eu nunca tinha pensado (e olha que eu penso em um monte de besteiras)..

"Christmas is about love. You can't live without other people love (...)So go spend that time with your friends and family. If they laugh at you, laugh with them. If they laugh at you again, hit them and go find some new friends..."
** Sorry, no subtitles**



Rented 5 movies, bought pringles, chocolate and coke... and then the most epic rain of the year cuts off the power.


2012 favorite cover versions

I know, the last one is from last year.. but it'll be on the movies next year too thanks to "The Great Gatsby, so just leave it, ok? :)


Xmas lights

Alright holidays, now I'm ready for you.


Biscoito da sorte de hoje

"A generosidade e a perfeição devem ser suas metas contínuas"


Breakfast at Tiffany's

I love the original couple from the 1961's version, but I must confess I don't think that story was properly told. 7,8 on IMDb doesn't match the reality, even with the great Audrey Hepburn leading the cast.

I was watching the movie again last week and it occurred to me: since Hollywood is so into doing new versions of iconic movies (and sometimes the original was barely released, like the amazing Let the right on in), redoing Breakfast would be a great chance to explore better so many things about the characters... 

I would definitely keep the story on the late 50's, the stylish wardrobe and I think Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway could do a great job reviving those two characters.

I know, another movie with them, together? 

I say yes, because if there's one thing from the original that should be kept and these two can easily bring back is charm and empathy in a very classical Hollywood way. 

No sex scenes, no nudity, of course. All that skin in Love and other drugs was enough for an era. Oh, and I think Hathaway would be fantastic singing "Moon River". 



I'm trying Blogger's app for Android

Best tumblr ever!

Great photos and a Harry Potter fan :)


15 de novembro

"Ora, além de ter surgido em uma sociedade profundamente desigual e hierarquizada, a República brasileira foi proclamada em um momento de intensa especulação financeira, causada pelas grandes emissões de dinheiro feitas pelo governo para atender às necessidades geradas pela abolição da escravidão. A febre especulativa atingiu de modo especial a capital do país, centro dos acontecimentos que levaram à República. Em vez da agitação do Terceiro Estado, a República brasileira nasceu no meio da agitação dos especuladores, agitação que ela só fez aumentar pela continuação da política emissionista. O espírito de especulação, de enriquecimento pessoal a todo custo, denunciado amplamente pela imprensa, na tribuna, nos romances, dava ao novo regime uma marca incompatível com a virtude republicana. Em tais circunstâncias, não se podia nem mesmo falar na definição utilitarista do interesse público como a soma dos interesses individuais. Simplesmente não havia preocupação com o público. Predominava a mentalidade predatória, o espírito do capitalismo sem a ética protestante."

Carvalho, José Murilo de. A formação das almas: o imaginário republicano no Brasil. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1990. P. 29 - 30. 


Eu queria poder alegrar alguém hoje. Só isso, melhorar o humor de alguém.

As always...

Ontem chegaram mais 4, nesse fim de semana vou começar a fazer o levantamento dos livros do próximo capítulo da tese.. fora os que vem pela Amazon.
Muita, muita, muita coisa pra ler!
Se dependesse só da vontade, mas o problema é tempo!
O fim do ano letivo há de me libertar!


The Cure

I like to spend sometime away from The Cure, so when I come back to them every song sounds almost as incredible as the first time. They are already in my DNA
There was a time when Bloodflowers was my favorite album. Then it was Wish and now it's Disintegration
And this track in particular I could play in repeat all day long...


Hell yeah!

This year is not over yet. So let's start with tonight.


Stop the early Christmas fever!

I hope it doesn't happen where you live, but my neighborhood has decided it's already Christmas. Lights and trees are starting to pop everywhere!
Please, people, hold your fire! The year can't be over yet! I have too many things to finish before December 24th so don't bring the holidays humor right now.




Top 5 on Friday

"Thankful" is a strong word. I'm having some happy surprises and trying "new" bands along this year but I can say I'm particularly happy about discovering The Afghan Whigs. I admit I didn't really know about them until recently. 
I even resisted them for a while because I've been a die-hard fan of Greg Dulli and The Twilight Singers for a couple of years and this AW reunion came right after my favorite TS album, which tour I will never see... 
I know everything is backwards here (isn't it always?) but c'est la vie

So I tried it, I liked it and these are the AW's songs I'm happy to have discovered this year:

(can someone explain why they're not playing this fantastic song on this tour?)
(oh, and by far, the best video of them)






When October ends...

Photo: Paulo Santos (from Facebook)


The collection begins

Almost one year after talking (or writing) about this record (here, here and here), it just got here by mail. I'm in such a rush right going to work I will save to break the plastic and see the inside later.
But more important, I finally get to start my vinyl collection. No, it's not hipster anymore so don't judge me. Hipsters are probably collecting tapes (k-7) by now :)
The funny thing is it came before the turntable so I will have to wait a little longer to listen to it...


An overwhelming need

I wanna go back to Paris. Like tomorrow.
Does anybody understand this feeling? 



"Murder, murder, murder" she wrote


Teacher's day

I love to be a teacher. I never thought I would feel so happy to stand up there in a class, getting to know so many people, their dreams, their feelings, their histories...
Sometimes they make me crazy but most of the time they keep me sane.


Here she comes...

All the love and peace to each and every one of you


Friday the 12th

I'm saving this post since January!
Yeah, I'm crazy and I like Savage Chickens this much.



Falling in love with an idea can be much worse(?) than falling for a man.
I can't concentrate in one single thought today.
Not now that things seem to be so close...



Rest in peace, Prof. Hobsbawm.


Big Bang Theory

This is a good show but it's time to develop these two characters. All the others have grown, even secondary ones like Amy, while Penny and Leonard just keep stuck at the same point. 
So please Chuck Lorre, don't let these two only get together on the last episode, like Friends' Rachel and Ross, which was made with such a terrible excuse it was better to kill one of them. (No, I don't think that really, I'm just making a point here)



Yesterday I had my first Toefl and, man, I blew it!
I knew it wasn't easy but decided to do it without study. What a terrible decision!
It truly demands preparation. Not really studying grammar or any topic but to prepare yourself for so many tasks, knowing how to manage the time, and how to keep focus for 4 hours almost without stop (10 min break)
I wish I hadn't chose to send the scores for some institutions... 

Seriously, it was so ridiculous I kept thinking I should stop writing in English here.


is time turning around?

Lately I feel like everyday is Wednesday.
A huge 1-month-long Wednesday...


A confession and a prayer

Tonight I hope. It's been very hard to trust in people, but tonight I hope for them and for me too.


Something new

There's a new song for download on the "Transmission" section. I've just got to know the single and the band, but highly recommend you to do so.
Thanks, Mr. Ferguson!


Yes, sir!





Hey MG, how are you?

Feeling like all my bones could break with the slightest movement. Tired as f%$#

Thanks God, there's an holiday coming..

Hulk at Hogwarts

If The Incredible Hulk Went to Hogwarts

From here


Still don't get it

Why can't I buy a digital record at Amazon.com?
Why is it available only for U.S. customers?
Why am I allow to import a CD but not to get the digital format of the same record?
Why should I submit myself to the itunes monopoly?

For almost a year I've been trying to buy the last The Twilight Singers record, live in New York, but I'm still not able to do so.
I don't like Apple. I'm sorry, I don't criticize the ones who love it but it's not my case. I want another option.
I just want to manifest my indignation on try to do the right thing and being constantly denied to.


The thing about opportunities

The price for a plane ticket to U.S. is pretty reasonable out of season. Too bad I cannot leave work right now. 
What is the thing people say about opportunities? You gotta make them? You gotta take them?
Well, this one I will have to pass...


Thank you, unknown person

I tend to like people in general, but things become easier when I discover:
1. they have born the same year I did
2. they support the same soccer teams I do
3. they give the same importance to a band or a specific song I deeply love. 

So today I've found a blog where this guy thinks Leave is the best REM song in the best REM LP. And that's something I think since 1996 but until this day I had only met 2 people who can name New adventures in hi-fi as a great album and only 1 of them thinks Leave is a great song.

So I just wanna say: Dude you're 100% right! And thank you. We could be friends.


a few thoughts

1. Teaching at nights can suck life out of you.

2. I still don't feel like listening Lana Del Ray Rey. Somehow I've been managing to pass through without listen to one single of her songs. Nobody on my everyday life seems to know who she is either. 

3. Don't understand Tumblr very well. Not soo interactive as I thought, still funnier than Facebook. I know, they are different things blah blah blah... Facebook sucks. Or maybe people on FB suck, haven't decided yet.

4. Can't stop listening "Lovecrimes". I gotta make a Top 5 "favorite cover versions" or "covers better than originals"... it will be #2, definitely.


Finally a great new TV show to fall in love with

The first season is almost over out there, it just started here and I'm already worried about how am I gonna wait a whole year before season 2...
I can't even tell which character I love the most.. it changes every week.
Maybe Will. 
People love to say they like the most unlikable character or the one nobody cares but I usually stick with the hero. No shame.
All the others characters (and actors) are great though.

More as my passion develops.


Where I wanted to be on my birthday

For the love of God, Dulli, come to Brasil already!!!
You too, Rosser! Fuck, I'm dying for the chance...


Sunday's dessert

Maybe I could start a new segment on this blog about food.. hummmm


Good news

(photo by Helena Christensen) 

There's a new Paul Banks album coming... well we will have to wait until October 23 but it's nice to know anyway
Meanwhile I need to find something different to put on my phone. Cannot hear the same songs anymore!

You can try the first single The Base here


Missing the Olympic Games already

Working mornings at home were much more fun last week. 



*Today is Father's Day in Brasil
** From Post Secret dot com



Doing nothing aaaall day... sounds good!


O curioso destino de uma aliança de casamento

No dia 12 de junho, dia dos namorados, eu almoçava com meu irmão e uma amiga em um shopping na Avenida Paulista, quando algo inusitado aconteceu.
Nossa amiga sentiu algo tocar muito levemente a ponta de seu sapato. Abaixou-se, e quando levantou tinha nas mãos uma aliança. Sim, uma aliança de casamento, bem larga diga-se de passagem, daquela que não deixam dúvidas que o homem é casado. Dentro dela havia um nome grafado: Samara.
Ficamos surpresos e um pouco confusos com a situação. Não havia casais ao redor, o espaço todo já estava bem vazio, pois passava das três da tarde de uma terça-feira. Em uma mesa um pouco distante à esquerda, um senhor almoçava sozinho e perguntamos se por acaso aquela era sua aliança. Ele sorriu, como se estivéssemos brincando, e respondeu que não. 
Sem alternativas, entregamos a aliança para um segurança.

Confesso que até agora a situação toda ainda me impressiona pela força simbólica da cena: uma aliança de casamento rolando perdida em meio a uma praça de alimentação, em pleno dia dos namorados. 
E fico imaginando diversas possibilidades que poderiam te-la levado a ter tal destino.


Things from the past

Besides packing my stuff, I've been cleaning the house these last 3 days from the other and higher pile of paper I saved during all these years living (and coming back) here.
So I end up rediscovering some funny and nice things of my personal history:

Lots of pens and floppy discs

The candles from my 25th birthday (the first second I've spent here)

Tickets from concerts, plays and expositions I have seen

And the best, many letters and postcards from family and friends
Now most of these people have kids and don't write me anymore...


Tired of packing

I'm moving back to my hometown... again.
Ten minutes ago I started writing this post saying how I should stop moving, choosing one place and start a life and blah-blah-blah but that's a lie, just something I think I should be feeling because I'm 30 something and all that comes with this age. But I love being in different places and there's at least 3 other cities I expect to live in for a part of my life before setting down (this will come, eventually).
What I really don't like is the trouble of sending around all my stuff, I have way too many books. While I was packing last night I realize I don't remember buying or having some of them. This is a disease, right?

But I can not deny it's hard to be on the bedroom right now. This is still home.


Nice toast

"May those who love us, love us. And those who don't love us - may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles, so we may know them by their limping."

Line from the movie Keeping the Faith

Top 5 on Friday

According to Last.fm, this top 5 should be filled only by Mark Lanegan and The Twilight Singers... but picking up only one song from each artist, it looks like this:




4.(wooooooooooow not even I believe!)

(This horrible video must have been so expensive but it's such a good song for dancing.. and the "Pumped up kicks" video is soooooooooo much better..)



Love and lost

"com a morte, também o amor devia acabar. ato contínuo, o nosso coração devia esvaziar-se de qualquer sentimento que até ali nutrira pela pessoa que deixou de existir. pensamos, existe ainda, está dentro de nós, ilusão que criamos para que se torne todavia mais humilhante a perda e para que nos abata de uma vez por todas com piedade. e não é compreensível que assim aconteça. com a morte, tudo o que respeita a quem morreu devia ser erradicado, para que aos vivos o fardo não se torne desumano. esse é o limite, a desumanidade de se perder quem não se pode perder."

valter hugo mãe. a máquina de fazer espanhóis. p.21


Hey Friday (again)

Nothing much to say, just hope everybody is ok.
I'm still pretty sick, locked at home but getting better.

So it's another Friday I need some inspiration.. then I thought about going with one of my traditional favorites this time. And yeah, it works! :)


Another great week has begun (or not)

This flu is consuming me from inside out!
That's what you get after spending a week traveling, not sleeping, and jumping from 16ºC to 35 ºC and back again. 
I wish I could stay in bed, drinking tea and watching romantic movies.. but here I go.



Top 5 on Friday

1. The Afghan Whigs - I wish I have seen them in Barcelona or Porto...
2. Veto - I will someday, and I'm pretty sure it will be amazing!
3. Norah Jones - I loved the first time I saw her in concert and it would be lovely to hear the last record live.
4. Fiona Apple - I'm very curious about the new record
5. Pearl Jam - I even planned going to Scandinavia to see them this summer but it didn't happen :(

It's finally Friday

Sim, um homem que fala português, pra variar...


Meu Deus, que semana puxada! Ainda não dormi, ela ainda não acabou, mas parece que o dia do repouso se aproxima. Daí queria algo que animasse a mim e a esse blog e me ocorreu essa pessoa. Porque homem bonito é bom, mas homem bonito que poderia ser o vizinho é anda melhor!

Nunca gostei do tipo mais atlético, o mais exótico, "o mais". Gosto dos vizinhos, dos colegas de trabalho, de classe, do cara do metro, da voz do amigo do delivery de comida chinesa... Deus abençoe todos eles, os que posso e não posso ter, que me alegram cada um a sua maneira.


Então Portugal foi eliminado da Euro e fiquei triste. Talvez esse seja o motivo real pelo qual meu subconsciente lembrou do Ricardo Pereira. Foi bonito ver a seleção crescer a cada jogo com Pepe, Cristiano, Moutinho, todos enfim. Foi bom ter ido tb à Casa de Portugal, ficar cantarolando o hino durante a semana... e o cachecol vai continuar estendido na janela, dane-se quem achar ruim.

Lembrei da Euro de 2004, aquela derrota foi bem mais sofrida, sem dúvida. Ficamos quase aos prantos em casa... Aquela seleção tinha outro Ricardo Pereira, goleiro que agarrava muito. Ficou na memória gritar "Ricaaaaaaaardo", do mesmo jeito que gritamos "Rogéeeeeeeerio" :)


Então tá, solucionada a relação entre Ricardos, uma soneca antes de terminar o trabalho, que já é muuuuuito tarde...


Atualização: Estava bolando pelo site da TPM e encontrei esse vídeo do Ricardo, daí achei que já que é pra se inspirar com o homem, por que não?

PS: Dormi, finalmente.


Sobre moda, beleza, identidade, feminismo, vida, etc, etc...

"Hoje todo mundo quer ser mulher-objeto, até porque os homens querem isso. É uma situação desesperadora. Inclusive, porque ou você vira isso, ou você dança. É uma situação péssima. São raríssimos os homens que vão olhar para dentro de você. Não sei o que diria se tivesse que dar conselhos para uma filha ou uma neta. Eu tenho a humildade de não dar conselho porque não tenho essa capacidade. Eu desaconselho, só. [Risos]"

Retirado da entrevista de Regina Guerreiro, editora de moda, à Revista TPM (aqui)


Top 5 on Friday

1. Little Broken Hearts - Norah Jones (I'm totally in love with this album)
2. Descartes Highlands - Paul Thomas Saunders
3. Blues Funeral - Mark Lanegan
4. Not your kind of people - Garbage
5. The King of limbs - Radiohead (This record has finally hit me)


Top 5 on a Friday

It's hard to define songs I must listen to because they depend on mood, company, time, place.. and they all carry memories from moments when/how all these elements were combined. I selected 5 that have such a powerful attachment to those moments they just resume the trips

1. Light Years - Pearl Jam
2. The Scientist - Coldplay
(My mom has a cd in her car we always listen to where these two songs come one right after the other. Every time the cd reaches this point we stop talking and just enjoy..)
3. Erase/Rewind - The Cardigans
(Between 2000 and 2003 I did some trips by bus around the country, usually traveling at night, and I've loved to listen this song while watching cities passing through my window)
4. A place called home - PJ Harvey
(Going to and coming from Campinas, the whole year of 2004. Always the same bus and highways)
5. Undisclosed Desires - Muse
(Every single day in 2009, while going to and coming from work. Like the routine I've had in Campinas but in a different city)


Por um 27 de março mais simbólico

Saindo da controvérsia gerada pela escolha do Wagner Moura pra cantar nesse show em tributo à Legião, uma coisa parece evidente: a morte do Renato deixou uma saudade ainda sem remédio, que pede pra ser extravasada.
Bem depois de dez anos da morte dele e do fim da banda, finalmente surgem tributos e filmes serão lançados, mas vai além disso.. falta espaço na rádio e falta um espaço pra memória coletiva dele e da banda. Algo que independa de emissoras, de gravadoras, de eventos formais ou mesmo da participação ativa do Dado e do Bonfá. Falta um ponto de referência, um lugar e um ritual, de preferência espontâneo, coletivo e gratuito (em amplo sentido) por parte dos fãs.
Os fãs do Jim Morrison, do Ian Curtis ou do John Lennon possuem esses pontos de referência, espaços físicos para a memória: sabem onde ir, possuem datas, se encontram, se conhecem, congregam, cantam, celebram um legado... falta algo equivalente pra Legião e pro Renato. Sem apropriações xiitas. Algo democrático, por favor.

São idéias. E vai dar 4 da manhã. Time to go.


Descartes Highlands

Descartes Highlands, the new Paul Thomas Saunders EP, was released in April but I decided to wait until a moment I could give full attention to it appear. So it happened this week and it's another great record! As the last time, one song in particular got me at the first 2 seconds... this guy is good!

I was hoping to buy the actual CD but the other 2 The Twilight Singers' I bought 2 months ago on Amazon still didn't get here. I don't know who's to blame but is known the polices for imports are getting worse so I will buy just the digital version 

Anyway, if you are passing through here I hope you can give a try and like it. This will definitely be on this week's playlist, and is a very special week indeed
Have a unbelievable great Sunday!


I'm so late reblogging this but I don't care

I only saw it today and I liked it :)

From here


Who's up for some free music?

Here on the sidebar you will find the banner for The Afghan Whigs brand new song, released yesterday. And it's for free. 
So don't waste time, download it now!

(And if you're going to any of their concerts this summer, send a kiss to Greg from me, alright?)


Top 5 on Friday

(Don't really know much about the Disco Era but these songs are wedding parties' classics)

1. Dancing queen - Abba

2. I will survive - Gloria Gaynor

3. YMCA - Village People

4. Night Fever - The Bee Gees

5. Good Times - Chic


Good vibrations

The best days in life are the unexpected good ones. You don't make plans, woke up wishing you could stay in bed until noon... and then you meet great people, have the most interesting conversations, eat a huge and delicious burger, even the mail helps and brings that package you've been waiting for days.

Monday was tough but today was just great. 
I just hope these good vibrations keep coming and floating through the week.


Hey Monday, how are you?

Some days... well some days should be spent in bed, definitely.


Top 5 on Friday

(No rank here, just 5 great guys who should have lived longer... RIP)

Ian Curtis

John Lennon

Renato Russo

Marcelo Fromer


For Dulli's birthday

I love this man. Like wine, he just keeps getting better and better...
I'll have a nice glass of red for you tonight, Greg.
Live long and don't put The Twilight Singers on hold for too long, please :)


Short comment

I don't know if this is something it only happens here, probably not: do you also have the impression some people pay (very) expensive tickets to rock concerts they spend the whole time walking around, holding a beer?
I don't get this behavior... and I even like beer but I don't get it.


A piece of paper

Just saw it on Facebook...


Um sonho

Estar em Barcelona no dia 31 de maio para o San Miguel Primavera Sound e, nessa mesma noite, ter a chance de ver os shows do The Afghan Whigs, The XX, Beirut, Franz Ferdnand e Death Cab for Cutie.
Bastava essa noite e voltaria feliz pra rotina do mundo real.


Meu feijão com arroz (my fish n' chips)

You know who they are...

Giving a break form my Lanegan and Dulli overdose (which I'm still gonna write about it) I came back this afternoon to the usual but with a different taste: bootlegs. I got 2 from pearljam.com after buying Backspacer (which I love very much) and put my favorite - Hartford (2008): great setlist, just 27 songs(!) of pure energy, fantastic solos and Eddie.. well let's not make this post too long just to point out how great and lovely he is. He is and if you don't agree I'm sorry for you. Really.

Then I finally remembered to try an old bootleg CD from ZooTv (Stockholm) that's been lost for years under tons of stuff - and it still works! As always I got surprised how U2 was live back in 1992: Bono's voice so clear and strong, reaching high notes with no problem and Edge with so much freedom to play. His solos in Mysterious ways and Bullet the blue sky just blew my mind. So much I came here just to pray for Jimmy Hendrix and all the gods of rock n' roll to help free the Edge again. That man deserves to express all that he can do with a guitar. 

And if is not asking too much, please put those 2 bands back in studio soon. I want new songs. Thanks.


One line (from Saturday)

"Here I have seen the light" (Ode to sad disco)

Thanks, Mark

PS: This was a full and happy weekend. News soon.


Guerra e Paz

"Entre o sonho e o cafezal
entre guerra e paz
entre mártires, ofendidos,
músicos, jangadas, pandorgas,
entre os roceiros mecanizados de Israel,
a memória de Giotto e o aroma primeiro do Brasil
entre o amor e o ofício
eis que a mão decide:
Todos os meninos, ainda os mais desgraçados,
sejam vertiginosamente felizes

como feliz é o retrato
múltiplo verde-róseo em duas gerações
da criança que balança como flor no cosmo
e torna humilde, serviçal e doméstica a mão excedente
em seu poder de encantação." 

 trecho de "A mão", de Carlos Drummond de Andrade (grifo meu)


Hoje tive finalmente o prazer de visitar a exposição da obra "Guerra e Paz", de Cândido Portinari. Dividida entre os estudos para composição e a apreciação dos painéis, a exposição está no Memorial da América Latina até o dia 21 deste mês, e sugiro a todos que tiverem a oportunidade de ir conferi-la. Oportunidade única.

Para aqueles que não puderem, o site do projeto de restauro e exposição disponibiliza a visualização em detalhe da obra, bem como dos estudos, tão interessantes e belos como a produção final. Acesse: www.guerraepaz.org.br 


Este é o meu 300º post neste blog. 


Top 5 on Friday

I'm assuming we're talking about high school because English-born people use "school" to different levels of education, which can be very confusing. 
So the year was 1997 and it was a great year, when electronic and rock produced some amazing songs with the widest sort of combinations from each style. These ones were easy and fast to remember since they were overplayed by all kinds of media back then (radio and MTV I mean) and I ordered them with that in mind


Another band from the 90's is coming back

Here's the video for Garbage's first single in years(!)

I liked the song more than the video, even with Shirley looking beautiful like an Hollywood diva. The general concept remembered me a little of the "Push it" video but not reaching the same level of awesomeness:

I think it was good for them to quit for awhile. In other video from their official You Tube channel they believe to have found the same feeling (or spirit or whatever) from the first two albums. As a fan of those two records I can only hope for some good tracks coming up in May.

(How few are the chances of some sort of "This was your 90's" festival to bring The Afghan Whigs and Garbage to Brasil at the same time? One can only wish for...)


Silly pleasure

To know you're the top listener at last.fm of your 2 favorites songs from your favorite band.

Priceless :)


So The Afghan Whigs are back...

... but I'm still dreaming about The Twilight Singers in this country one of these days. And when I say dreaming I mean literally! Happened last night! =D

Anyway, I wouldn't mind the Whigs in some festival or solo gig here. Not really. Not at all, actually. I wonder if there's any chance...


Top 5 on Friday

Note: I thought I was able to fulfill this task as it was, but almost every song I thought were from musicals are actually from films about music, according with IMDB.
So I gave up with the musicals and here is my 

Top 5 songs from movies (somehow) about music

1. Transmission, from "Control"

2. "When your mind is made up, from "Once"

3. Mr. Postman, from "Backbeat"

4. Treat her right, from "The Commitments"

5. Fever Dog, from "Almost Famous"



...uma companheira insistente. Mando embora e ela volta, cada vez com mais força.


Another perspective about love and imagination

"If it's true, as some German fellow has said, that without phosphorus there is no thought, it is still more true that there is no kindness of heart without a certain amount of imagination. She had some. She had even more than is necessary to understand suffering and to be moved by pity. She fell in love under circumstances that leave no room for doubt in the matter; for you need imagination to form a notion of beauty at all, and still more to discover your ideal in an unfamiliar shape."
Conrad, Joseph. Amy Foster. 1901, p.3


Top 5 on Friday

British bands have a special talent for chorus, so here you have just a sample of their potential (you must know all these bands, right?) 
This Top 5 is an opportunity to remember some bands I've been neglecting lately. And after searching for theses videos, I hope Franz and Muse will bring something new soon. 
I must tell you the songs here were disposed only by a chronological order, not by preference. That would be very hard to do (I'm not even sure these are my favorites choruses from each one of them...)

1. "Let it be / let it be / let it be / let it be / whisper words of wisdom / let it be"

2. "Sooooo Sally can't wait / she knows is too late / she's walking on by / my soul slides away / 'But don't look back in anger' / I heard you say" 

3. "No you girls will never know / Oh no you girls will never know / no you girls will never know / how you make a boy feel"

4. "They will not force us / They will stop degrading us /They will not enslave us / We will be victorious" (I once use this chorus as a theme for a strike)

5. "This could be para para paradise / para para paradise / para para paradise..." (This on really steaks)


Jusqu'a toi

Films keep encouraging me to be the silly romantic girl I've been since.. well, probably since I was born.
I must confess I could fall in love with someone because of his luggage, or better, the things inside it :) 
I totally see myself in a situation like this, it would be very typical of me actually.
Specially if I found one or two of my favorite books inside it. And if we could meet in Paris.
I would create funny ways to introduce him to my life.
No problem traveling across the ocean just to have another try either..

But now let's try to fall sleep imaging all this. And thank you, movie industry, for reinforcing my disturbs of behavior.


To be or not to be selfish...

I've bought a gift and liked it so much to wanna keep it to myself.
But I feel a tiny little bit guilty...
I can give something else, right?


It's not St. Patrick's day without a Guinness

.. now it is!

I hope you all had a great day! 
I have a platonic love for Ireland since I was 14 and March 17th has been a very important day for me through the past 5 years. One day I'll get there and I will be celebrating it properly :) 
So may Saint Patrick bless your wishes and dreams, making your path easier and helping you to achieve what you need it the most.
I know he has helped me.


The cooking skills are improving

It's silly, I know, but once and a while this blog still works as some kind of personal journal.
So now I know how to make a Yakisoba...
I don't wanna brag too much but it was pretty good :)

Top 5 on Friday

1. The Cranberries - Ode to my family (best video about Ireland ever)

2. The Swell Season - High horses

3. Bell X1 - My first born for a song (I just rediscovered this song) 

4. Fionn Regan - Hunter's map

5. The Corrs - Toss the feathers (I love Irish traditional music)

PS: Yeah, no U2 today :)

PS2: I love St. Patrick


I hope for mine too

From the amazing Post a Secret